Pet Head Sensitive Soul Conditioner Hundebalsam 250 ml

kr 309.00 Inkl. mva

Pet Head Sensitive Soul Conditioner er en mild og god hundebalsam spesielt utviklet med tanke på hunder med sensitiv hud. Hundebalsamen inneholder naturlige og pleiende ingredienser som ringblomst-ekstrakt, marulaolje, havregryn-ekstrakt og Aloe Vera. Den er fri for parabener, sulfater, petrolium og DEA. Pet Heads pelsprodukter til hund er laget på FDA-godkjente, eco-vennlige fabrikker i USA, og gir blank, sterk og sunn pels.

EAN: 886284901222GTIN: 886284901222 SKU: eldH90122 Categories: , , , Tags: ,
Pet Head


Pet Head om Sensitive Soul Conditioner (balsam til hund):

Amazing fragrances!

Our coconut fragrance is a gentle one with a tropical fruity sweet note with some vanilla nuances.

Only goodness

Our sensitive coconut conditioner is packed with oatmeal and marula oil, gently cleansing and calming delicate skin. Both Oatmeal and Calendula extract act as anti-inflammatory and soothing with their properties whilst Marula oil give that extra moisture and nourishing effect.

How to use

Wash your pooch with the Sensitive soul shampoo and rinse well. Next apply the Sensitive soul conditioner and massage well. Once you rinse out really well, brush, blow dry and your dog will be ready to turn some tails.

Our brand promises

All Pet Head products are free from all nasties – no parabens surfactants or dyes. Gluten & nut free for safety. We are transparent, all our ingredients are fully listed in our packaging. Pet Head is proudly vegan and cruelty free.


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